For HBO mini series Chernobyl directed by Johan Renck, a part of the show was shot in Ukraine. There were two absolutely complete units, each of it had a UPM with the separate teams. The first unit was making the photography with the main cast for 8 days: Jared Harris, Stellan Skarsgard, Emily Watson, Jessie Buckley
Second unit was focused on difficult technical scenes as well as establishing shots around Kiev – 9 days in total, and was also shooting in the Exclusion Zone for 2 days.
In general we were doing some scenes for each episode.
We shot on streets like Bohdana Khmelnitskogo, Konstantinovskaya street, Heroiv Stalingrada av. with full blocking of those streets. We shot on the Kiev sea, in Shevchenko and Sikorskogo Universities, Vernadskiy Library, the helicopters in NAU.
We also had distant shoot in Pripyat.