Publié le 5 mars 2018 par LA PAC

Fondé en 2001 et basé à Los Angeles, Bangkok, Shanghai, Auckland, Londres, Melbourne et Sydney, The Sweet Shop et ses réalisateurs ont choisi La Pac pour représenter leurs films en France.
«Our Directors are true artisans of film craft. Whether it’s TV commercials, feature films, music videos or digital content, they’re fiercely proud of the stuff they make and how they make it. They’re humanity obsessed.»

Louis Sutherland, Mark Albiston, Brett Foraker, Tore Frandsen, Alexander Brown, Noah Marshall, Andrew Lang, Nick kelly & Melanie Bridge.
La Pac est honorée de produire ces talents uniques.
Maison de Production LA PAC La Pac is an advertising films production company. At the core of the company lies production of the utmost highest quality. In October 2015, Alain Bernard passed on the torch to Jérôme Denis, who is now taking the lead. Values of excellence, expertise and flexibility are amongst many prioritised at La Pac.