We know that during the lockdown you have been pilling up so many cool and creative ideas. Well it’s finally time to bring them to life!
Starting the 11th of May, it is officially legal to film in Ukraine, as long as the crew is up to 50 people and all the safety measures are maintained.
We are super happy to announce that it is now possible to produce: indoor / outdoor / smaller / larger / remote / any other kind of shoots, following basic safety protocols!
We put all our efforts to bring the familiar level of quality and service online, so that you may stay home and safe while shooting in Ukraine.


Service Production Limelite LIMELITE is a film service production house based in Ukraine, Georgia and Kazakhstan. We offer: top-notch producers with international experience; separate bidding dept, internal casting with online database and location depts. No freelancers, no shifted deadlines or delayed feedbacks. Our clients know its more fun for us to be much better then just good.